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Tag Archives: Linked data
ThManager: an open source tool for creating and visualizing SKOS
Citation: ThManager: an open source tool for creating and visualizing SKOS. Javier Lacasta, Francisco Javier Lopez-Pellicer, Pedro Rafael Muro- Medrano, Javier Nogueras-Iso, and Francisco Javier Zarazaga-Soria. Information Technology and Libraries. 26.3 (Sept. 2007). Also: http://thmanager.sourceforge.net/index.html ThManager is an Open Source Tool … Continue reading
LCSH, SKOS and Linked Data
A technique for converting Library of Congress Subject Headings MARCXML to Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) RDF is described. Strengths of the SKOS vocabulary are highlighted, as well as possible points for extension, and the integration of other semantic web vocabularies such as Dublin Core. An application for making the vocabulary available as linked- data on the Web is also described. Continue reading